Frequently Asked Questions
Hello, how can we help you?
How do I wear a Kaliburn or Storm in combination with BDCS clothing?
How should I wear the different layers of clothing from the military chain combined?
My clothing pack is changing because of my mutation to another unit. How do I obtain additional items I am entitled to or return items I no longer need?
I am part of the reserve forces, what clothing will I receive and when?
I noticed I need a different size. What do I need to do?
My BDCS corps clothing is dirty after intensive use in the field. Can I have it cleaned via my QM?
When can I ask for a change of clothing in case of damage?
I have a LAND function code but work in a barracks that received the I-DOKS attire. I am leaving in Ops in support of a LAND unit (in BDCS) and should also receive the BDCS attire. Can I temporarily receive the BDCS clothing on top of my I-DOKS clothing?
I have a LAND function code but work in a barracks that received the I-DOKS attire. I am going on a camp period in GERMANY in support of a LAND unit (in BDCS) and I also need to receive the BDCS clothing. Can I temporarily receive the BDCS clothing on top of my I-DOKS clothing?
I am enlisted as a soldier for the Navy. My basic training takes place in a LAND unit in LEOPOLDSBURG, what clothes do I get?
How do I need to wear my name tag, Belgium badge and other identification?
How and where do I have to wear the medals of honour and the nestle during a military ceremony/parade?
I have a LAND/AIR/MED function code but work in a barracks that will receive the I-DOKS attire. Which boots and grades should I wear?